Divine Will

Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ


In giving us His Son, God could give us nothing more. And He gives us everything. God provides this season of Advent so that we will change! Strive to make it a holy season. Father lists numerous ways to grow in Advent. Do not displease Christ. Conform your will to His. May He reign over you. Behold His Heart which has loved so much that It has given itself completely and spared nothing. How do I respond? By Christmas, we must be clothed more with Christ and less with our own self will. Unite my heart with Thine and my will with [...]

Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ2024-12-08T21:14:44-05:00

Little Children, Love One Another


Jesus loves us and calls us to love Him in return His judgment of each one of us will be based on truth and charity. Because we love Him we obey Him and seek to follow His will. Conform yourself to His signified will (as expressed in His commandments, sacraments, church teachings and the commands of our lawful superiors). Conform yourself to the will of His good pleasure (i.e. have a wiling and cheerful acceptance of everything that happens, realizing it comes from His loving hand). Detach yourself from creatures - including self – in order to attach yourself to God.

Little Children, Love One Another2024-12-02T09:20:12-05:00

The Doctrine of Predestination


God by the eternal resolve of His will has predetermined certain men to eternal blessedness. The number of the elect is predetermined and can not change (none added, none taken away). While God wills all men to be saved, not all men are saved. This is based not on God's providence but on a man's sin and lack of contrition. The heresy of "double predestination" holds that men are like brute beasts with God leading some to salvation and others to damnation by His (predetermined) divine will. For men how are saved, it is a gift from God; from men who [...]

The Doctrine of Predestination2023-12-17T10:57:40-05:00

Te Deum Laudamus


Many people were longing for an end to the year 2020. But perhaps we overestimate just how bad the year was. The Church officially responds to the end of every year by giving thanks to God and providing indulgences. Yes, there were many terrible things, but like the saints and holy Job, let us recognize the Hand of God in disasters and thank Him for it. As Christians we know that all things, save sin, come from the will of God. Let us thank God for 2020. It was a year in which we learned more about ourselves as a people [...]

Te Deum Laudamus2021-03-18T05:11:25-04:00
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