Deadly Sins

Walk in the Spirit


To 'walk in the Spirit' is an apt description of the Catholic life, of grace at work, and of the Holy Ghost bringing about salvation and sanctification. Yet we all suffer from concupiscence, a consequence of original sin. This is our inclination to evil that desires what seems agreeable whether good or evil, true of false. It operates upon every aspect of our being, exterior and interior senses. This battle is not easy and lasts all life long. Take this struggle seriously. As soldiers of Christ we are called to fight this battle. Where do we get the grace to conquer?

Walk in the Spirit2023-09-05T06:23:09-04:00

Lord That I May See


Every single one of us (to varying degrees) is spiritually blind. We don't recognize the goodness and greatness of God. We are oblivious to the evil and horror of our sin. In daily life we ignore our eternal end. We are blind because we are worldly and the spirit of the world will never let us see. The capital sins enslave us. We fail to see our desperate need to convert. Reflect on this and take it seriously. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving – true penance – are needed. Pray: "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! Lord, grant that I [...]

Lord That I May See2023-03-25T08:24:20-04:00

Root Out the Deadly Poison of Anger


The world is not at peace because man has forgotten God and systematically removed Him. We are imbued with distraction that focus on self; so we are slow to hear and swift to anger. Anger darkens our judgment, prevents prayer, and leads to resentment - even depression and despair. The angry man always thinks he is right. Yet anger is a waste of time, energy, and sacrifice. Anger gives a place to the devil and opens the door to many additional sins. It even hurts us more than that which caused the anger. Consider the following remedies: [1] Do you best [...]

Root Out the Deadly Poison of Anger2021-06-06T09:25:54-04:00
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