Passion of Christ

Our Lady of Sorrows and the Passion – Prayer


The prayer from the sermon 'Crux Fidelis' given on February 21, 2021 Holy Mary, Mother of sorrows, whose heart was pierced with a fresh sword of grief at every Station on the Way of the Cross, obtain for us, we beseech thee, O most loving Mother, a perpetual remembrance of our Blessed Savior’s cross and death, and a true and tender devotion to all the mysteries of His most holy Passion.Obtain for us the grace to hate sin, even as He hated it in the Agony of the Garden; to endure wrong and insult with all patience, as He endured them [...]

Our Lady of Sorrows and the Passion – Prayer2025-03-12T11:18:24-04:00

Precious Blood of Jesus


From the sermon Seven Petitions to the Precious Blood (Tenth Sunday after Pentecost) Precious Blood of Jesus, shed at the circumcision, make me chaste of mind, heart and body. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the agony of the garden, grant me to love above all things the holy and adorable will of God. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the scourging at the pillar, inspire me with a keen sorrow for my sins and a love of suffering. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the crowning with thorns, grant me a love of humiliations. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in [...]

Precious Blood of Jesus2024-09-12T07:23:43-04:00

Kiss the Cross with Great Faith


Look to the Cross. Adore the Cross. Kiss the Cross. From you heart, make a resolution, to reject a particular grievous or habitual sin (such as the sin of selfishness).

Kiss the Cross with Great Faith2024-04-22T01:12:07-04:00

Spiritual Communion


My Jesus, I firmly believe that Thou art present — Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity — in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. Lord, increase my faith. [pause] I love Thee above all things and desire Thee in my soul. Yet my love is weak and inconstant, strengthen my love evermore. [pause] Since I cannot now receive Thee under the sacramental veil, I beseech Thee, with a heart full of love and longing, to come spiritually into my soul. [pause] As though Thou wert already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; [...]

Spiritual Communion2024-03-22T15:52:33-04:00

My Crucified Jesus


From a sermon given on Passion Sunday My Crucified Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the most holy Wound of Thy right hand, and pray Thee to bless my soul, and after death to open to me the gates of Heaven. Glory be to the Father . .. My Crucified Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the most holy Wound of Thy left hand, and pray Thee to deliver me from all evil, whether of the body or of the soul, and most especially from the unhappy fate of the wicked who shall stand at The left hand at the Day [...]

My Crucified Jesus2024-03-08T10:32:08-05:00

Walk in the Spirit


To 'walk in the Spirit' is an apt description of the Catholic life, of grace at work, and of the Holy Ghost bringing about salvation and sanctification. Yet we all suffer from concupiscence, a consequence of original sin. This is our inclination to evil that desires what seems agreeable whether good or evil, true of false. It operates upon every aspect of our being, exterior and interior senses. This battle is not easy and lasts all life long. Take this struggle seriously. As soldiers of Christ we are called to fight this battle. Where do we get the grace to conquer?

Walk in the Spirit2023-09-05T06:23:09-04:00

Knowing Jesus Christ Crucified


Passiontide is a time of mourning. All our statues, save the Stations, are veiled in purple. These are the two great weeks of our salvation. St. Philip Neri converted Rome by turning eyes onto the Passion of Christ. St. Paul of the Cross reminds us" "The greatest most stupendous overwhelming work of God's love is the passion and death of our Savior Jesus Christ; and so we have that always before us." Strive to meditate on His passion, at least a few minutes, every day. And pray for grace to suffer for the love of Jesus.

Knowing Jesus Christ Crucified2023-04-27T10:30:47-04:00

Seven Last Words


There is nothing more conducive to the attainment of salvation than to think every day on the pains which Jesus Christ suffered for love of us. One way to do this is to meditate upon His final words from the Cross. By these words, it is clear that His death brings us seven magnificent graces.

Seven Last Words2023-05-01T11:08:09-04:00

See My Glorious Wounds


The world speaks endlessly about love but knows not how to love. This we must learn from Christ on the cross. His Easter message calls us to reflect upon and contemplate His glorious Wounds. The waters of salvation flow eternally from His open side (vidi aquam). Familiarize yourself with the private relations of Sister Marie-Martha Chambon (+1907) concerning devotion to Christ's Holy Wounds (these include a Rosary, a Chaplet, and beautiful promises). To offer to the Father the Sacred Wounds of Christ is to offer to God adequate honor and glory!

See My Glorious Wounds2022-06-07T12:48:08-04:00

Shedding of Christ’s Blood


Devotion to the Precious Blood is devotion to Jesus Christ who has redeemed us; to His sacred passion, death and five holy wounds. This is a central aspect of the mystery of Christ, essential to our knowing and loving Him. The shedding of our Savior’s Precious Blood [1] washes away our sins, [2] reconciles us to God, and [3] makes us holy. It provides abundant grace to help us hate sin and fight against sin with all our strength. Thou hast redeemed us O Lord in Thy Blood. The mercies of the Lord I will sing forever.

Shedding of Christ’s Blood2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00
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