
Value Mass Above All Else


Let us marvel at the mystery of Holy Mass and believe, love and adore Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Consider: (1) The connection between the Incarnation and the Eucharist. It is through the Eucharist that Christ continues to make present this greatest of blessings - God amongst us. (2) How at Mass and through the Eucharist, Jesus is shielding the world from the just wrath of God. To abandon or cancel the Mass for human considerations, to think 'we can just make do until the Mass returns,' is simply not Catholic. Such reactions betray a lack of faith. But do not [...]

Value Mass Above All Else2020-05-04T22:06:31-04:00

Christ Empties Himself


With the mystery of the Circumcision, the sacrifice of the Lamb of God begins. His innocent flesh begins to be wounded, causing the first precious drops of His Blood to flow. This is but the prelude to the final act on Calvary. Though but a few days old, the Father’s Son and Mary’s Child condescends to suffer, humbly submitting to a law that never was intended for Him. To free us from the sin of pride, Christ empties Himself completely, taking on a real human nature and the physical mark of a sinner, thus resembling the sinners He came to save.

Christ Empties Himself2020-01-07T06:07:22-05:00

City of God and the Ascension


Our Lord had to ascend for many reasons. Among these are: [1] He is the Great Pioneer who blazed the path for us to follow. [2] He is the Great High Priest, eternally offering His Sacred Wounds and Precious Blood as intercession for men in the Divine Tabernacle not made by human hands. [3] He now provides us with His gifts from above, most notably the Holy Ghost. [4] It is not fitting that one Whose Body is glorified should remain below in a realm of physical decay and death. [5] His ascension enables the theological virtues (Faith, Hope, and Charity) [...]

City of God and the Ascension2019-06-14T07:56:42-04:00

Command Obedience Promise


The Ascension bridges all the mysteries of the Incarnate Word on earth and in Heaven. Three central aspects of the Ascension which you should reflect upon are: [1] It directs the mind and heart to Heaven. The Christian must follow Christ - all the way to where He is now. Your strongest conviction ought to be that you exist for the purpose of getting to Heaven. Orient all your life in conformity with this truth. [2] It teaches us how to get to Heaven, for Our Lord provides the means. One must believe the truths He taught and live by the [...]

Command Obedience Promise2019-06-14T05:53:43-04:00

Crimes of Homicide-Deicide


The charges of homicide and Deicide were dropped on Easter Sunday, for the Body of the Victim is now risen. Murder charges on Good Friday make no sense with the Resurrection three days later. But having been freed from these charges, let us not crucify Jesus again by our own personal sins.

Crimes of Homicide-Deicide2019-05-29T12:02:43-04:00

Mercy Comes at a Cost


In God’s way of working, it is clear, that in as much as one has 'taken droughts from the foaming and spicy chalice of this world', someone has to 'drink of the chalice of suffering' before God will grant His mercy, healing and peace. The Justice of God must be satisfied before His Mercy and Peace is bestowed. We must “pay-in” to have this Mercy bestowed. Protestants often take a ledger approach to salvation: one day they are in the column of debts, the next they are transferred into the gains. No expiation and payment needed by anyone save Christ. But [...]

Mercy Comes at a Cost2019-05-12T07:18:55-04:00

Five Reasons for the Five Wounds


On Good Friday, Our Lord suffered in every part of His Body and Soul in order to undo all the sins committed by man for all times and all places. The Scriptures (prophet Isaias) tell us that “His appearance was … marred, beyond human semblance.” Yet, on Easter Sunday, all the wounds were healed save the five wounds of the nails and the spear. These He glorified and chose to keep (they are the only man-made things we know of in Heaven at present). Why did He keep them? We can learn many lessons from five reasons provided by St. Thomas [...]

Five Reasons for the Five Wounds2019-04-30T15:18:45-04:00

Prisoner of Love


Cell Block 26 at the concentration camp in Dachau (Bavaria, Germany) was known as the 'Priest Block.' More than 3000 priests suffered at Dachau, yet in the midst of this terrible imprisonment, they had Mass and our Eucharistic Lord. In the Blessed Sacrament, and through His sacred Priests, Christ has chosen to abide among those who crucified Him as a "Prisoner of Love." Here he humbles Himself even more than at the Incarnation, as now both His Divinity and humanity are hidden. He is now more vulnerable and more dependent than even as an Infant in Mary's arms. He perpetually dwells [...]

Prisoner of Love2019-04-20T07:06:12-04:00

Christ Will Not Be Known Without His Cross


Throughout the three years of His public life, His Majesty did not allow anyone to publicly proclaim Him to be the Christ (Messias, Savior). He silenced the demons who tried to reveal Him and commanded His disciples to keep quiet until after He had risen from the dead. Why did Our Blessed Lord not want to be known as the Christ? We learn the answer on Palm Sunday, for this is when He first allows people to proclaim Him to be the Christ, the Son of David and King. His hour is now at hand and Palm Sunday begins the immediate [...]

Christ Will Not Be Known Without His Cross2019-04-16T06:20:48-04:00

Behold a Rose of Judah


Laetare Sunday is also known as Rose Sunday because of an ancient practice of the Church of Rome where the Pope himself would bless a rose and then carry it in procession. The rose symbolized the Son of God and Son of Mary. Flowers are given on many occasions, but roses are for one's beloved. The Father's only Rose - a long stemmed Blood Red Rose complete with thorns - was presented to us. Like the Adam of old, who was called to cultivate and work the Garden of Eden, so the New Adam cultivates spiritually His own garden, the Holy [...]

Behold a Rose of Judah2019-04-12T08:46:42-04:00
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