
Exterior Devotion and Interior Piety


There is a vast difference in how the majority of Catholics live Christmas and Septuageisma. As tradition was abandoned, many forgot the liturgical seasons. In seeking to restore Catholicism, let us not be content with exterior devotions. That is only a first step. Have an authentic interior observance of prayer and of these great Mysteries. Consider how the Son of God made Himself entirely subject to His human Mother – and willingly remains obedient to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Exterior Devotion and Interior Piety2023-03-10T06:27:09-05:00

Temple Sacrifice and Truth


Christ gives us great blessings by His birth - let us thank Him and, like our Lady, keep in mind and heart the great mysteries of Christmas. The Presentation highlights the offering of the Child Jesus to the Eternal Father on the part of His Mother, the temple priests, and holy Simeon. The final mysteries of Christmas take place in the temple. They emphasize sacrifice (the Mass!) and Jesus' teaching the truth (doctrine!). Both of these are suffering terrible attacks today from our own prelates.

Temple Sacrifice and Truth2023-03-25T07:55:14-04:00
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