Blessed Virgin Mary

Be Prepared to Meet Thy God


As best you can, stay focussed throughout this Advent on the three comings of our Savior Jesus Christ. It is perhaps during this season that one most dramatically sees how far the Catholic faithful are from the Catholic Faith. Jesus is calling us and we don't hear. Keep the celebrations for the Christmas season (after Dec 25). During Advent, focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Pray novenas, litanies, Las Posadas, and other Christmas devotions. Consider the powerful symbolism of the Miraculous Medal. Come to the chapel, the Blessed Virgin awaits you.

Be Prepared to Meet Thy God2021-12-03T11:07:10-05:00

Our Lady of Sorrows in Campocavallo


In 1883, a good priest adorned the country chapel of Campocavallo with a pious 'Pieta' image of Our Lady. The image proved miraculous, moving its eyes and shedding tears. It was crowned and adorned with jewels, despite the pilfery of impious thieves. The sorrows and sufferings of Mary are a great mystery. Yet in their union with Christ, they have wrought our redemption. Truly, Our Lady is Co-Redemptrix. She continues to shed tears – for man unceasingly offends God and her Son is betrayed by His prelates. May her tears gain our salvation.

Our Lady of Sorrows in Campocavallo2021-11-30T10:11:55-05:00

Suffer With Jesus and Mary


A basic rule of the spiritual life is to imitate Jesus and Mary. Marian devotion is not something "invented" by Catholics. Rather, Christ requires it — for He Himself gave His Sorrowful Mother to us at the foot of the Cross. We can never fully appreciate her sorrows for we can't fathom the depth of her love for her Son. However, we can pray for many graces to be more like Jesus and Mary: to hate sin and to ensure insults and ridicule with patience as they did. Pray for the grace to love Jesus and suffer for Him as Our [...]

Suffer With Jesus and Mary2021-11-02T12:05:20-04:00

Three Meanings of Holy Name of Mary


The holy name 'Mary' has many meanings. Three notable ones which demand our reflection are: Enlightener, Star of the sea, and Sea [of all graces]. Heed St. Bernard's advice: "In dangers, doubts, and difficulties, think of Mary. Call upon Mary. Let not her name depart from thy lips; never allow it to leave your heart." This continual reliance upon Our Lady is the hallmark of a good and faithful Catholic. An excellent aid for meditating more upon Our Lady is the Marian Creed written by St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows. Always do you best to pray the name of [...]

Three Meanings of Holy Name of Mary2021-10-14T06:52:36-04:00

Our Lady Within St Annes Womb


Within St. Anne's womb, the Blessed Virign Mary was continuously occupied with ten pious exercises. These express the sentiments in her Immaculate Herat. They did not require external activity as she was still a tiny infant. Thus, we can practice them at Mass. We will thereby more actively participate at, and derive more spiritual fruit from, the Holy Sacrifice. Too often we doubt - deep down - that God is all-good, all-wise, and all-powerful. If we had greater confidence - faith! - then we would have nothing to worry about. Strive to foster a greater devotion to Mary's Immaculate Heart and [...]

Our Lady Within St Annes Womb2021-09-13T10:22:14-04:00

Mourn With Our Lady of LaSalette


God always prepares us, never blindsiding His faithful ones. He uses types and prefigurements. Consider how Our Lord raising the Widow of Naim's son is a type. He also provides us with prophecy; though we must be careful in our interpretation. In 1846 at LaSalette, Our Lady of Sorrows foretold much of what was to come - in those days, in our time, and at the end of time. Other prophecies from approved apparitions of Our Lady and saints help us better understand her terrible message. When one is forewarned, one can be better prepared and the suffering is lessened. We [...]

Mourn With Our Lady of LaSalette2021-09-11T06:39:04-04:00

Sancutuary of Divine Love


St. Paul exhorts us to "walk in the Spirit" which is another way of saying "be devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary." The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Ghost are a perfect description of Mary's Heart. Choose one of those gifts (e.g. benignity, goodness, longanimity, mildness, faith, modesty, etc.) and ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to form this virtue in your heart in her likeness. Like the Mass, Our Lady's Heart is an altar. Christ's Sacrifice is renewed therein as she offers her Son and herself with unspeakable love. At Mass, we too must offer Jesus - truly present - [...]

Sancutuary of Divine Love2021-09-10T11:24:07-04:00

Glowing Maternal Heart


There is a deep connection between Mary's Immaculate Heart and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Our Lady pondered and preserved in her heart all the wondrous events of her Son - especially His Passion (cf. Lk 2:19, 51). As a very real mother, Our Lady took note of the slightest details regarding her Son. Her heart is a sacred depository of God. Now Holy Mass makes all these mysteries - contained in her Immaculate Heart - present for us! We are meant to ponder and preserve the Passion, marvelous mysteries, and events of Christ's life. Imitate Mary thus and you [...]

Glowing Maternal Heart2021-09-06T08:11:02-04:00

Spiritual Lessons from the Assumption


All the mysteries of our Lady's Assumption proclaim the greatness and the goodness of God. They also indicate in what the Christian life consists. Her death was joyful and beautiful because it was free of the three things which make death better: attachment to the world, remorse for sin and uncertainty of salvation. We in turn must strive to detach from the world, grow in humility and resign ourselves to the divine will. Our Lady is all-powerful by grace because she was perfect and sinless. The more we grow in sanctity, the more powerful will be our prayers and intercession.

Spiritual Lessons from the Assumption2021-09-02T07:17:17-04:00

St Alphonsus on Queenship of Mary


In the Church's prayers, we address Mary as Queen. St. Alphonsus explains her queenship. As Our Lady's merits exceed that of all the saints and angels, so too does her glory. Let us dedicate ourselves to the service of our Heavenly Queen.

St Alphonsus on Queenship of Mary2021-06-28T03:52:47-04:00
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