Blessed Virgin Mary

Exterior Devotion and Interior Piety


There is a vast difference in how the majority of Catholics live Christmas and Septuageisma. As tradition was abandoned, many forgot the liturgical seasons. In seeking to restore Catholicism, let us not be content with exterior devotions. That is only a first step. Have an authentic interior observance of prayer and of these great Mysteries. Consider how the Son of God made Himself entirely subject to His human Mother – and willingly remains obedient to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Exterior Devotion and Interior Piety2023-03-10T06:27:09-05:00

Temple Sacrifice and Truth


Christ gives us great blessings by His birth - let us thank Him and, like our Lady, keep in mind and heart the great mysteries of Christmas. The Presentation highlights the offering of the Child Jesus to the Eternal Father on the part of His Mother, the temple priests, and holy Simeon. The final mysteries of Christmas take place in the temple. They emphasize sacrifice (the Mass!) and Jesus' teaching the truth (doctrine!). Both of these are suffering terrible attacks today from our own prelates.

Temple Sacrifice and Truth2023-03-25T07:55:14-04:00

Mary Kept All These Words in Her Heart


Be not like those lost in worldliness or who forget Christmas after the 25th. Christmas lasts until February 2! During this time, focus on the great mission God entrusted to Our Lady. No one knew Christ as profoundly as Mary. No one is a more competent guide and teacher. She lived the very life of Christ. Imitate her 'Christmas' example of pondering every word, deed and detail of her Divine Son and of comforting her life to those most sacred mysteries. Know that the Hail Mary is an exemplary prayer of praise and petition which glorifies God.

Mary Kept All These Words in Her Heart2023-01-09T08:03:09-05:00

Ten Greatest Marian Prayers


When a mother is expecting, all her thoughts and actions revolve around her child. If a mere human merits this attention, how much more Christ? It is very sad how the vast majority of Catholics are unprepared for Christmas and do the opposite of what they ought. Much reparation is needed, so grow in your devotion to Our Lady. Familiarize yourself with the Church's ten greatest Marian prayers. God has chosen to come to us through her, so too He desires we go to Him through His Most Holy Mother.

Ten Greatest Marian Prayers2022-12-25T12:34:39-05:00

As A Man Hopes in His Heart So He Is


Every single human seeks joy, but we are always looking in the wrong place. Our habitual thoughts [hopes] make us who we are. True and lasting joy comes from Christ. Without Him, man is filled with sadness. By abiding in Him, our joy is complete. The Day of Wrath will be one of great joy for those called to eternal beatitude. Christ comes through Our Lady and thus she is the Cause of Our Joy. Nothing should take away our joy for we should allow nothing to take us away from Jesus.

As A Man Hopes in His Heart So He Is2022-12-18T06:36:51-05:00

Our Lady of Sorrows Saves from the Fires


Three important September Marian feasts highlight the profound union between Jesus and Mary. Their Holy Names are inseparable. Her nativity, like the Morning Star, prepares us for His coming. She suffered her Son's Passion and her Sorrows are part of His Passion. The strongest inclination of Mary is to unite us to her Son; and the strongest inclination of the Son is that we should come to Him through His holy Mother. May we ever keep in our minds and hearts the bitter passion of Our Lord and sorrowful sufferings of Our Lady.

Our Lady of Sorrows Saves from the Fires2022-12-11T11:57:21-05:00

Horror for Every Kind of Sin


Be devoted to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart by striving to share her heart’s five principal sentiments: [1] Horror for all sin. [2] Scorn for this corrupt world. [3] Lowest esteem for self. [4] Profound love for all the things of God. [5] Veneration and love for the Cross. How very unlike her heart is our heart. Who amongst us desires to be humiliated? A hatred for sin will lead to greater contrition and a better confession. Meditating upon the Stations of the Cross will also increase our horror for sin and our contrition.

Horror for Every Kind of Sin2022-11-19T08:28:09-05:00

Swords of Sorrow


The Sword of Damocles signifies impending doom. What terrible swords [seven!] hung over Our Lady! They pierced her Immaculate Heart with sorrow. Yet at every moment she willingly and actively embraced the passion of her Son. Perhaps she even experienced a mystical death at the moment of her Son's death. (However, it is theologically unsound and impious to suggest Our Lady 'passed out' on Calvary.) Thus, as the popes have consistently taught, we rightly honor and invoke her as CoRedemptrix.

Swords of Sorrow2022-11-19T07:32:49-05:00

Devotion and Reparation to the Immaculate Heart


Reflect upon Mary’s Immaculate Heart. It is [1] Singularly focused on her beloved Son; [2] Never stained by any sin; [3] Never existed without loving God; [4] Always carries within the Passion of her Son. Such consideration should move us to true sorrow, for our sins are thousands of arrows piercing her heart. The Immaculate Heart is at the center of the Message of Fatima and so is of particular importance for our time. Offer her reparation through the First Saturday devotion. Practice devotion to her Heart by keeping in your own heart the sentiments which are in her’s.

Devotion and Reparation to the Immaculate Heart2022-11-15T08:41:38-05:00

Final Christian Perseverance


The Church is always teaching us perseverance. She does so, not so much in words, but through her liturgy, sacraments, prayers (e.g. novena), the lives of the saints, and how she calls us to live. From the day of our baptism, we are called to the grace of final perseverance. One of the main purposes of confirmation is to help us persevere. We can never arrive at our heavenly end unto eternity unless we persevere in the True Faith

Final Christian Perseverance2022-08-02T11:22:05-04:00
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