Blessed Virgin Mary

Learn, Live and Share the Message of Fatima


Our world stands on a knife’s edge,
 Fatima is a heavenly Message of the greatest urgency 
which all must obey; it is not optional. It is the only solution for the crisis in our Church and the world. It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary. This conference provides an overview of the Fatima essentials,
 briefly covering the event and message,
 the controversial topics,
 and how we must respond today. Notes are available HERE.

Learn, Live and Share the Message of Fatima2023-12-24T16:00:35-05:00

Eternity Always in View


Nothing impure can enter Heaven. Thinking about Purgatory inspires penance and self denial (which we all struggle with). Here are five important means to avoid Purgatory. Our Lady is the Mother of everyone in Purgatory and there is no soul there whose pain is not alleviated by her. Happy is the he who loves with eternity always in view; with a lively faith that he must shortly die and enter into eternity.

Eternity Always in View2023-12-17T10:22:20-05:00

O Immaculate Virgin Mary


From the Sermon 'Special Graces of the Immaculate Conception' given on December 8, 2019 O Immaculate Virgin Mary, conceived without sin! Thou wert miraculously preserved from even the shadow of sin, because thou wert destined to become not only the Mother of God, but also the mother, the refuge, and the advocate of man; penetrated therefore, with the most lively confidence in thy never-failing intercession, we most humbly implore thee to obtain for us that angelic purity which was thy favorite virtue, that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone, and that purity of intention which will consecrate [...]

O Immaculate Virgin Mary2023-12-16T17:17:45-05:00

Letanía Breve a Nuestra Señora de la Inmaculada Concepción


Santa María, ruega por nosotrosSanta Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotrosMadre completamente perfecta, ruega por nosotrosMadre nunca manchada por la menor imperfección, ruega por nosotrosMadre, superando toda integridad y virginidad, ruega por nosotros Santísima Virgen, inmaculada por predestinación, ruega por nosotrosSantísima Virgen, inmaculada en tu concepción, ruega por nosotrosSantísima Virgen, inmaculada después de tu concepción, ruega por nosotrosTorre inexpugnable ante el enemigo, ruega por nosotrosJardín cerrado por todos lados, ruega por nosotrosCiudad resplandeciente de Dios, ruega por nosotrosArca de la santidad, construida por la sabiduría eterna, ruega por nosotrosFuente siempre clara y sellada por el Espíritu Santo, ruega por nosotrosRosa siempre [...]

Letanía Breve a Nuestra Señora de la Inmaculada Concepción2023-12-07T12:11:01-05:00

Immaculate Conception Prayer


O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Mary, mystic rose of purity, I rejoice with thee at the glorious triumph thou didst gain over the serpent by thy Immaculate Conception, in that thou wast conceived without original sin.  I thank and praise with my whole heart the ever blessed Trinity, Who granted thee that glorious privilege; and I pray thee to obtain for me courage to overcome every snare of the great enemy, and never to stain my soul with mortal sin.  Be thou always mine aid, and enable me with thy protection to obtain [...]

Immaculate Conception Prayer2023-12-07T10:25:08-05:00

Thou Shall Not Make a False Peace


Why is the Synod discussing so many un-Catholic things? Why is the Latin Mass being suppressed? Why is Russia once again at war? We must seek the cause. And we shall find an all encompassing answer to these problems. Christ's truth requires that man first conquer in the interior life; then he can conquer on the outside. Yet modern man has sought new avenues according to his own wisdom. He seeks an easy way apart from the cross. He chooses compromise with the world to accomplish only an external peace. Yet false peace brings perpetual war. As we ignore Our Lady [...]

Thou Shall Not Make a False Peace2023-11-26T16:31:51-05:00

Dominus Universorum


We say that Christ is King – but what does that mean? It means He must be king over all - every person, every family, every nation. His kingdom is one of truth and eternal life. So it means we must be supremely faithful to the truth. And it means we must reject the values of this world in favor of His kingdom than the values of this world. Now if Christ is King for all eternity and all-powerful [by nature], then His Mother is Queen of all eternity and all-powerful [by grace]. Nothing is excluded for Christ's dominion or from [...]

Dominus Universorum2023-11-13T22:46:22-05:00

Prayers to Our Lady of Sorrows to Better Participate at Mass


Fr. Rodríguez mentioned these prayers in his sermon 'The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady' given on September 10, 2023 Eternal Father, I unite myself with the intentions and affections of Our Lady of Sorrows on Calvary and I offer Thee the sacrifice which Thy beloved Son, Jesus, made of Himself on the Cross and now renews on this altar: to adore Thee and give Thee the honor which is due to Thee; to thank Thee for the innumerable benefits received; to appease Thy justice irritated against us by so many sins and to make satisfaction for them; to implore grace and [...]

Prayers to Our Lady of Sorrows to Better Participate at Mass2023-11-07T09:10:47-05:00

The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady


It is ordained by God, from all eternity, that the sorrows of Our Lady be united with the sufferings of Jesus Christ –in the great sacrifice of Calvary– to make reparation for sin. On the Via Dolorosa, Our Lady fell prostrate and adored Her Son with profound reverence. The more she suffered, the more she drew nearer to the Cross. Yet what causes her the most suffering is to see her spiritual children dead. On Calvary there were two altars: one in the body of Jesus and the other in Mary's heart. She sacrificed her soul by compassion. Imitate Our Lady so [...]

The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady2023-11-06T06:57:16-05:00

Humility of Intellect and of Will


St. Francis is the first recorded instance of the stigmata. Suffering with Christ –the Cross!– is central to our faith. The Cross is the source of all blessings, the cause of all grace, and the only path to Heaven. Carrying our cross well is what it means to be Catholic. Yet pride leads us to reject the cross. So we must grow in humility. Humility of intellect (an honest acknowledgement of our total dependence on God and of our real incapability of doing anything good without His assistance) makes us faithful to prayer. Humility of will (the readiness of the heart [...]

Humility of Intellect and of Will2023-11-07T09:45:37-05:00
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