Blessed Virgin Mary

Ten Most Common Objections Against Fatima


A cursory overview of the Message of Fatima and the twelve most important apparitions. Answering ten common objections against Our Lady's Message at Fatima. How to live the Message of Fatima in your daily life: Roman Catholic S.O.S.

Ten Most Common Objections Against Fatima2024-08-01T09:54:11-04:00

Star of Esther and Fatima


Our Lady teaches with words and symbols. Every facet of her appearance is intentional. At Fatima, she wore the Star of Ester on her hem. This points to the importance of the 13th and the salvation wrought by the queen for her people just before the moment of complete destruction. In Esther, the Church Fathers saw a prefiguration of Our Lady. The Consecration of Russia will bring about Our Lady's great mediation so that the Church Universal honors her Immaculate Heart alongside the Sacred Heart.

Star of Esther and Fatima2024-07-31T13:01:11-04:00

Marian Devotion is Essential for Salvation


This is the teaching of the Church as expressed by Tradition, Scripture, the Magisterium and the Saints. Discussion of a true devotion to Mary and the importance of  'private' revelation. Refute common objections.

Marian Devotion is Essential for Salvation2024-08-01T09:50:10-04:00

The Holy Ghost and Our Lady


Frequently pray the Church's three most important prayers to the Holy Ghost. In the time between the Ascension and Pentecost Our Lady humbly guided the Apostles. Our practice of praying novenas originates from these days. Our Lady is a most perfect Mother, and her concerns for us, her children, are centered on eternity, grace and sin. Christian Mothers, imitate HER! The Holy Ghost is particularly active in carrying out the Mission of Christ where – and in whom – He finds His Spouse, the Ever Virgin and Holy Mary.

The Holy Ghost and Our Lady2024-06-17T17:36:38-04:00

Five Simple Points


Our Risen Lord made His first resurrection appearance to His most Blessed Mother. This Easter, we have asked "What is the foundation of the Christian Religion?" It is Christ, His Mission, and His Church. Understanding this answer helps us love our Catholic Faith and live it well. Five simple points from the resurrection narratives in the gospel help us summarize this answer.

Five Simple Points2024-06-18T09:15:56-04:00

Regina Caeli


An ancient Easter Prayer and Hymn - heard at the start of the sermon The Crucified One is Risen. O Queen of Heaven. Rejoice, alleluia.For He whom thou wast worthy to bear, alleluia, has risen.As He said, alleluia. Pray for us to God. Alleluia.Rejoice and be glad, o Virgin Mary. Alleluia.For the Lord is truly risen. Alleluia. Let us pray, O God, who by the resurrection of Thy Son,our Lord Jesus Christ, hast been pleased to give joy tothe whole world, grant, we beseech thee, that throughthe intercession of the blessed Virgin Mary, His mother,we may attain the joys of eternal [...]

Regina Caeli2024-05-02T10:37:34-04:00

Christ’s Passion and Our Lady


Christ's Passion and Death is what saves us. These final two weeks of Lent – Passiontide – are privileged weeks. The Church calls us to reflect upon Our Lord's Passion and the unique role fulfilled by the Holy Mother of God. No exercise is more profitable for our sanctification. St. Bonaventure, St. John Eudes, St. Bridget of Sweden, Ven. Maria of Agreda and the benedictine monk John Lydgate serve as helpful guides.

Christ’s Passion and Our Lady2024-04-01T10:24:02-04:00

O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary!


From the Sermon 'Sorrow and Death' given on February 12, 2017 (Septuagesima Sunday) To thee, O Immaculate and Sorrowful Mother of God, do we have recourse in this supreme hour of mankind’s need, amidst such storms indeed as have never been known, shaking Mother Church to her very foundations. Thou, who standing by the foot of the Cross, didst once share so closely in the sufferings of thy Divine Son, with what compassion art thou not moved today for the suffering of His Mystical Body, the Church! Russia has so spread her errors throughout the world that the human element of [...]

O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary!2024-02-05T08:30:29-05:00

Tollite Hostias


A beautiful Christmas hymn is tollite hostias et adorate dominum, "Offer your gifts to the Divine Child and Adore Him"  (Psalm 95:8-9). What will you offer Him? The most acceptable gift is a contrite and loving heart. Do you pray every day? Spend time before the manger and think about the incredible love of the Divine Child for you! Make an effort to think about and reject [hate] your sins, for your sins are what most offend Baby Jesus. Ask the Blessed Virgin to adore the Divine Child on your behalf. To truly love Him, seek to please Him in all [...]

Tollite Hostias2024-01-18T08:48:50-05:00

Three Marian Advent Feasts of Salvation


The very name "Jesus" means "God saves." All His comings (advents) have to do with the salvation of souls. We pray: O Lord show us Thy mercy and grant us Thy salvation. Can there be a more important prayer? And this God answers through the Blessed Virgin Mary. Consider the Church's three feasts of December 8, 10, and 12. They emphasize: the glory and power of God, the purity we require, true faith, true worship, and our duty to form homes where we work out our salvation. God created Our Lady and made her our Mother to show us His mercy [...]

Three Marian Advent Feasts of Salvation2023-12-26T05:49:04-05:00
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