Blessed Virgin Mary

Humility Heaven’s Stairway


The saints have often praised the humility of Our Lady, unsurpassed by no other human person. God finds humility irresistible. In fact, many saints have noted that it was the Blessed Virgin Mary's humility which drew the Lord down from Heaven. You see, God will not be outdone in humility. If our Lady humbled herself so greatly, God would humble Himself even more by taking on human nature within her so as to suffer for our sins. The teachings of St. John Climacus (+649), a desert monk, and of Bl. Mary of Jesus Crucified (+1878), a Carmelite nun, can help inspires [...]

Humility Heaven’s Stairway2020-01-27T09:03:19-05:00

How to Begin the New Year


How important for Catholics to pray for the grace to grow in love for Jesus! There can be no greater new year's resolution. Let us use the privileged means given by God, namely devotion to Mary's Immaculate Heart. This devotion's end is to conform one's hearts to the Sacred Heart. Our Lady's Heart is strong and mighty to conquer all enemies, obtains from God whatever it asks, and showers men with many graces and blessings. Three ways to practice devotion to her Heart, as given by St. John Eudes, are: [1] Live a true conversion to God, fulfilling your baptismal promises. Pray [...]

How to Begin the New Year2020-01-16T12:31:42-05:00

Love Jesus with the Heart of Mary


The Infant Jesus grants special graces during Christmastide. [1] Pray for these special graces and persevere in asking Baby Jesus for them. I urge you to put greater faith and trust in the Love of Our Savior Jesus Christ. [2] Especially pray for the grace to love God from this day forth with your whole heart. Now, it isn't just about loving Jesus "in our own way" because each one of us is a fallen human whose soul carries hurts, sorrows and scars. Amongst other things, this prevents us from truly loving after the example of our Savior Jesus Christ. Our love is all too [...]

Love Jesus with the Heart of Mary2019-12-31T16:04:22-05:00

Rejoice and Prepare for Christ’s Advent


The great truth of Advent, which is our cause for rejoicing, is that Jesus Comes! He wants to come into our lives, to offer us His love and forgiveness, to redeem us from our sins. He comes in the Holy Eucharist, He comes at our death (particular judgment), and He will come at the General Judgment. The Church gives us Advent at the start of the year so that we will prepare well: now and throughout the year. The one who truly believes Jesus comes will prepare himself well, and his preparation is in proportion to how sincerely he believes. How do we [...]

Rejoice and Prepare for Christ’s Advent2019-12-24T06:39:44-05:00

Mary is the Mediatrix


You may have heard that some are saying it is foolish to call Our Blessed Mother the Mediatrix of All Graces. Yet this teaching comes to us from many great saints, Fathers and Doctors of the Church! It makes perfect sense since Jesus chose to comes to us through Our Lady. We can also look to approved Marian apparitions like Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. St. Jerome taught, “death through Eve, life through Mary.” St. Bernadine of Siena professed that “every grace which is communicated to this world has a threefold origin: it flows from God to Christ, from Christ [...]

Mary is the Mediatrix2019-12-16T16:47:21-05:00

Special Graces of the Immaculate Conception


Pope Pius IX lists seven Old Testament types which support the great dogma of the Immaculate Conception. A natural question to ask is 'How does this dogma practically affect me?' Well, the practical applications are far more extensive than Catholics probably realize. Above all, this dogma draws one to turn to the Immaculate Conception with great confidence, whatever the need. Ask for her intercession in all dangers, difficulties, needs, doubts and fears. Also, frequently request from her the special graces that are particularly linked to the mystery of her Immaculate Conception. For example, [1] An intense hatred for sin; [2] A [...]

Special Graces of the Immaculate Conception2019-12-15T08:07:50-05:00

Our Lady Prepares Us


The Blessed Virgin Mary is completely victorious over Satan and sin; she crushes the head of the dragon. And this overcoming sin is a reason why devotion to Our Lady is given so much importance at the start of the Church Year; in Advent, as we look to the Day of Judgment. God is holy and only reposes in holy places. If we wish Him to come to us, we must united to Our Lady.

Our Lady Prepares Us2019-12-15T08:00:20-05:00

Immovable Column


In a Roman piazza near the famous Spanish Steps, stands a high and beautiful marble column of the Immaculate Conception. It is fittingly located in front of the office of the Propagation of the Faith. Right away we see a connection. If we want to preserve our faith, then be devoted to this Woman. The column was dedicated to honor Pius XI's proclamation of the Immaculate Conception and its prophetic statues and base reliefs provide a deeper explanation of the Church's teaching on this dogma. Yet there is more, for in ancient times this column had been dedicated to Minerva, the [...]

Immovable Column2019-12-15T07:55:15-05:00

Pierced with Thorns


At Calvary there were two altars: the Body of Christ and the Heart of Mary. Our Lady suffered more torments than ever endured by any mortal on earth. And all the sorrows of her Heart are ultimately due to man’s sins. At Pontevedra (1925), Sr. Lucia was given a vision of men’s blasphemies and ingratitude piercing the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart at every moment. Our reparation may help console her Heart (especially the First Saturday devotion). Our Lady revealed her Heart as the way that, in our time, will lead us to God.

Pierced with Thorns2023-09-01T19:09:16-04:00

Our Help in Mary and her Rosary


A profound truth of our holy religion is the help that can only come from God. In particular, consider how this help comes through the Blessed Virgin Mary. No grace ever comes to us but through Mary’s mediation. No one goes to Christ except through His mother. In our present day, there is a signal necessity of special help from Heaven, particularly manifested in the many tribulations suffered by the Church. It is remarkable how great an emphasis Our Lady has placed on the Rosary in her approved apparitions. The Rosary helps us know the truth and live by it. Too many commit the grave error of living their life as they want and then adapting their “truth” accordingly. Instead, resolve [...]

Our Help in Mary and her Rosary2023-10-05T16:51:23-04:00
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