Blessed Virgin Mary

The Family Needs Purity of Intent


Our Lady provides a great model for what it means to be pure, which is far more than just purity in body. Purity begins in the mind. A family can't be happy unless it is a pure family. Purity helps us resist pride, selfishness, and the world. It means not judging things by our feelings but according to what God wills. Parents, practice purity and form your children accordingly. Children should not face these things alone. It is far easier to shun vice when we know the truth. Marriage is not for pleasure or self, it is to die; to die [...]

The Family Needs Purity of Intent2025-02-11T09:03:13-05:00

Prayer to Our Lady of Buen Suceso


From the sermon Light, Salvation and Glory given on February 2, 2017 O most Excellent and Immaculate Queen of Heaven, Holy Mary of Good Success, most favored Daughter of the Eternal Father, most beloved Mother of the Divine Son, most cherished Spouse of the Holy Ghost, sublime throne of the Divine Majesty, august Temple of the Holy Trinity, in whom the Three Divine Persons have placed the treasures of their power, wisdom, and love! Remember, Virgin Mary of Good Success, whom God has made so great, so that thou canst give succor to miserable sinners; remember that thou has often promised [...]

Prayer to Our Lady of Buen Suceso2025-02-02T14:48:01-05:00

Prayer to the Infant Jesus


From the sermon Twelve Lights of Epiphany given on January 6, 2017 O most sweet and amiable Infant Jesus, though I see Thee in this cavern lying on straw poor and despised, yet faith teaches me that Thou art my God, who camest down from Heaven for my salvation.  I acknowledge Thee, then, for my sovereign Lord and Savior; but I have nothing, alas! to offer Thee.  I have no gold of love, because I have loved creatures instead of Thee.  I have not the incense of prayer, because I have lived in a miserable state of forgetfulness of Thee.  I [...]

Prayer to the Infant Jesus2025-01-19T16:01:46-05:00

Twelve Mysteries of the Holy Infancy


The Light of Christ comes to us through the Heart of Mary, which is a vast sea of grace and an immense furnace of love. As Christians, our mission is to love Jesus and His Church with the same love as Our Lady. So let us reflect – with Mary – upon the Divine Child in the mysteries of His infancy. In these mysteries, Christ offers us salvation and His divine love. Yet they are also filled with His sufferings. Contemplating them moves us to sorrow and compassion; to share in the love of Mary for Her Son. "O Mary, may [...]

Twelve Mysteries of the Holy Infancy2025-01-18T13:56:56-05:00

Save Us Most Holy Theotokos


God came unto His own and His own received Him not. Mary and Joseph spend these days in contemplation and expectation; what about the multitude? The vast majority of Catholics live the Christmas season in a pagan way. We are too busy in worldly affairs; Mary and Joseph were totally focused on Christ. If we reflect and focus on Jesus, with a sincere and holy disposition, He sanctifies us. In giving us His Mother, He is imprinting upon our souls love of Him after the example of the Heart of Mary.

Save Us Most Holy Theotokos2025-01-11T14:47:31-05:00

Q&A with Father Carney


Q&A Session following the conference "The Holy Face and Fatima." - How do we start a local group? - How do we pray in Latin? - How can 10 defeat 100? - What of devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows? and more...

Q&A with Father Carney2025-01-04T10:50:38-05:00

Christmas Petitions


This Christmas Season, make the same petitions as the saints. Thus will you better understand what it means to truly love Jesus. St. Alphonsus repeatedly prayed to obey God alone, to seek to please God alone, and to desire God more and more (even while others crave worldly goods and fortunes). May God dispose of me and my affairs as He wills. St. Louis de Montfort constantly prayed for the grace to imitate the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was her heart which hastened the Incarnation, bringing the True Light to men. Reflect upon the fact that Christmas is a great [...]

Christmas Petitions2025-01-01T16:03:27-05:00

Value Grace Above All Else


The Immaculate Conception is a singular example of the infinite power of God's grace and how God grants grace to overcome sin. She gives us the perfect example of what it means to "put on Christ." In this mystery, we see the full grandeur of God's grace. Make it personal! God's grace can overcome any difficulty, temptation or sin which plagues you. This feast dispels a heresy, promoted by Bregoglio, that at times our "best effort" is a sin, or that God might ask of us a sinful act (in Amoris Lætitia). With God's grace you can always grow in holiness. [...]

Value Grace Above All Else2024-12-20T08:59:36-05:00

Prayer to the Immaculate Conception


From the sermon Special Graces of the Immaculate Conception given on December 8, 2019 O Immaculate Virgin Mary, conceived without sin! Thou wert miraculously preserved from even the shadow of sin, because thou wert destined to become not only the Mother of God, but also the mother, the refuge, and the advocate of man; penetrated therefore, with the most lively confidence in thy never-failing intercession, we most humbly implore thee to obtain for us that angelic purity which was thy favorite virtue, that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone, and that purity of intention which will consecrate every thought, word, and action [...]

Prayer to the Immaculate Conception2025-02-05T11:09:47-05:00

Our Lady of Sorrows Carried Her Cross


When one makes the Sign of the Cross, he professes the two greatest Christian mysteries. In fact, the cross is the primary symbol of the Christian Faith. It is the source of all blessings and cause of all graces. It represents the mystery of Christ and His infinite love. There is no health of soul or hope of eternal life without the cross.  Yes, the Cross is the proof that God loves us, but it is also the proof He requires of us to show our love fro Him. We must carry our share of the cross. Has anyone done this [...]

Our Lady of Sorrows Carried Her Cross2024-11-21T16:47:42-05:00
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