Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer to Our Lady


From the Manual for the Total Consecration to Mary by St. Louis de Montfort Hail Mary, beloved daughter of the Eternal Father!  Hail  Mary, admirable Mother of the Son!  Hail Mary, faithful spouse of the Holy Ghost!  Hail Mary, my dear Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign!  Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul! Destroy in me all that may be displeasing to God, root it up and bring it to nought; place and cultivate in me everything that is pleasing to thee.  May the light of thy faith dispel the darkness of my mind; may thy [...]

Prayer to Our Lady2025-03-24T08:58:44-04:00

Our Lady of Sorrows and the Passion – Prayer


The prayer from the sermon 'Crux Fidelis' given on February 21, 2021 Holy Mary, Mother of sorrows, whose heart was pierced with a fresh sword of grief at every Station on the Way of the Cross, obtain for us, we beseech thee, O most loving Mother, a perpetual remembrance of our Blessed Savior’s cross and death, and a true and tender devotion to all the mysteries of His most holy Passion.Obtain for us the grace to hate sin, even as He hated it in the Agony of the Garden; to endure wrong and insult with all patience, as He endured them [...]

Our Lady of Sorrows and the Passion – Prayer2025-03-12T11:18:24-04:00

Three Images for the Whole Year


Jesus was born in order to die for us. Colossians 3:17 aptly describes our fitting response. Three 'Christmas' images which help us keep this response in mind are: [1] The Blessed Mother offering her Son in sacrifice in the temple. [2] Jesus teaching the truth in the temple. [3] Jesus the King teaching from His cathedra. It is necessary to hear and transmit the teaching of Christ and to worship God rightly. Keeping these three images in your mind and heart will help you be faithful to God's grace and to grow in His grace.

Three Images for the Whole Year2025-03-08T14:18:28-05:00

My Son, Give Me Thy Heart


Septuagesima season is another example of the great need for us to recover our Catholic Faith. God is calling each of us to be converted to Him with all our heart [intellect & will]. Penitential practices – such as prayer, fasting and almsgiving – are meant to bring about this conversion. To give God our heart, we must be less attached to our own will (that's the biggest problem in all relationships). We also give him our heart by being faithful to the Church's lex orandi, lex credendi. In all this, we look to imitate the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of [...]

My Son, Give Me Thy Heart2025-03-03T21:04:32-05:00

Five Mysteries of Candlemas


Bringing the Christmas season to its glorious conclusion, the feast of Candlemas emphasizes: [1] Jesus is the Light and Salvation for all men. [2] Simeon's example. [3] Jesus was born to be sacrificed. [4] Strive to fulfill the will of God. [5] The Blessed Virgin Mary's role. Christ is obviously the Light, but it is God's will that she place Him into the arms of Simeon and then of Anna.

Five Mysteries of Candlemas2025-02-28T10:29:31-05:00

The Woman and The Mother


Adam disobeyed because his wife enticed him. Eve was deceived as she lacked faith. These sins against obedience and faith require reparation. Mary believes. Jesus is obedient unto death. Since the devil attacked through the woman, the battle remains there. Emnity between her and the devil will always exist. Adam first called his wife Woman. After the Fall, he changes her name to Eve. Eve is the mother of all who must die whereas Mary is Mother of all who truly live. Jesus always addresses His Mother as Woman for she is created and always exists in original and absolute perfection.

The Woman and The Mother2025-02-28T20:13:16-05:00

The Family Needs Purity of Intent


Our Lady provides a great model for what it means to be pure, which is far more than just purity in body. Purity begins in the mind. A family can't be happy unless it is a pure family. Purity helps us resist pride, selfishness, and the world. It means not judging things by our feelings but according to what God wills. Parents, practice purity and form your children accordingly. Children should not face these things alone. It is far easier to shun vice when we know the truth. Marriage is not for pleasure or self, it is to die; to die [...]

The Family Needs Purity of Intent2025-02-11T09:03:13-05:00

Prayer to Our Lady of Buen Suceso


From the sermon Light, Salvation and Glory given on February 2, 2017 O most Excellent and Immaculate Queen of Heaven, Holy Mary of Good Success, most favored Daughter of the Eternal Father, most beloved Mother of the Divine Son, most cherished Spouse of the Holy Ghost, sublime throne of the Divine Majesty, august Temple of the Holy Trinity, in whom the Three Divine Persons have placed the treasures of their power, wisdom, and love! Remember, Virgin Mary of Good Success, whom God has made so great, so that thou canst give succor to miserable sinners; remember that thou has often promised [...]

Prayer to Our Lady of Buen Suceso2025-02-02T14:48:01-05:00

Prayer to the Infant Jesus


From the sermon Twelve Lights of Epiphany given on January 6, 2017 O most sweet and amiable Infant Jesus, though I see Thee in this cavern lying on straw poor and despised, yet faith teaches me that Thou art my God, who camest down from Heaven for my salvation.  I acknowledge Thee, then, for my sovereign Lord and Savior; but I have nothing, alas! to offer Thee.  I have no gold of love, because I have loved creatures instead of Thee.  I have not the incense of prayer, because I have lived in a miserable state of forgetfulness of Thee.  I [...]

Prayer to the Infant Jesus2025-01-19T16:01:46-05:00

Twelve Mysteries of the Holy Infancy


The Light of Christ comes to us through the Heart of Mary, which is a vast sea of grace and an immense furnace of love. As Christians, our mission is to love Jesus and His Church with the same love as Our Lady. So let us reflect – with Mary – upon the Divine Child in the mysteries of His infancy. In these mysteries, Christ offers us salvation and His divine love. Yet they are also filled with His sufferings. Contemplating them moves us to sorrow and compassion; to share in the love of Mary for Her Son. "O Mary, may [...]

Twelve Mysteries of the Holy Infancy2025-01-18T13:56:56-05:00
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