
True Stories About Guardian Angels


Scripture frequently mentions the angels. They are beings of pure spirit who have great wisdom, power and holiness. First and foremost, the angels exist to give glory to God. In addition, they assist in the salvation of souls. The angels are grouped into three hierarchies and nine choirs. They reflect God's perfections and it behooves us to pray to the different angels according to their mission. Know the seven ways in which your guardian angel assists you. Acknowledge the valuable work he does on your behalf and engage your guardian angel in conversation.

True Stories About Guardian Angels2024-01-08T08:11:20-05:00

Synod Follows Path of Devils not of Angels


October is a month dedicated to the Rosary and holy angels. The angels reflect God's glory as images of His perfections. Consider what St. Michael defends and promotes: the glory of God; the Church; the Blessed Virgin Mary; the Holy Eucharist; the Pope; and true doctrine and true worship. St. Michael fights against the enemies of God who seek to undermine, change and destroy the holy things of God. Lucifer attempted it before creation. Today, we see Francis and his synod undermining the Deposit of Faith (foundational truths revealed by God and necessary for our salvation). We are in the midst [...]

Synod Follows Path of Devils not of Angels2023-10-10T07:31:04-04:00

The Angels Reflect Gods Perfections


God created the angels for His glory, for their happiness, and to help us in saving our souls. The angels appear repeatedly in Sacred Scripture and the Lives of the Saints. They are a great marvel of God's invisible creation: living images of God's Infinite Beauty who reflect His Divine Perfections. Yet so often we neglect them and fail to render that which is due to them. Consider seven things our Guardian Angels do for us. Pray to the angels frequently and may they strengthen your faith!

The Angels Reflect Gods Perfections2021-11-30T09:36:27-05:00

Holy Angels and the Rosary


Pray and meditate upon the Rosary with the holy Angels; share their joy, sorrow and exaltation. Souls who unite themselves to the angels upon earth have great confidence they will be so be united in Heaven. God sent His most important message for our times through angelic messenger. If you want to help convert sinners (including those whom you love), then offer prayers and sacrifices. Put into practice what the Angel at Fatima asked and imitate his example.

Holy Angels and the Rosary2023-10-05T16:50:04-04:00

Our Guardian Angels


God gives each one of us a Guardian Angel to lead us to Heaven and to protect, guard and counsel us at all times. Consider seven things Guardian Angels do and our duties towards them. Includes a prayer to the nine choirs of angels according to their unique manner of glorifying God. 

Our Guardian Angels2019-11-18T05:21:02-05:00

The Devil Has Intensified His Constant War


St. Augustine teaches that "Our enemies are ever on the alert to work our ruin and we are ever forgetful of our salvation." Religious are especially consecrated for this battle against the world, the flesh and the devil; yet we too must wage it continually. St. Michael aids us, for one of his principal offices is to wage incessant war against the arch fiend, satan. The devil is the father of lies and a seducer. In particular, he wishes to seduce religious and the hierarchy of the Church. He traps  men by cloaking his evil with good and leading them to think he is not [...]

The Devil Has Intensified His Constant War2019-10-11T07:10:40-04:00

Exaltation of St. Michael


A magnificent abbey in northwestern France, Mont Saint-Michel, and numberless altars and churches are consecrated in honor of St. Michael. Why? Because St. Michael grew indignant at the outrage offered to the sovereign Lord by Lucifer and the rebellious angels. True to his very name, he exclaimed: "Who is like unto God?" How dare anyone question, much less revolt, against God's perfect plan! St. Michael’s faithfulness, good example, and humility strengthened the good angels. With him they stood, defeated the devils, and passed their test. God rewarded them by unveiling to them His very Face in the Beatific Vision. St. Michael [...]

Exaltation of St. Michael2019-10-07T16:26:03-04:00

Holy Angels in Gods Plan


The Angels were made to give glory to God and help man attain salvation. Increase in your love and devotion for the Holy Angels by these three basic means: [1] Praise God in union with the Angels. You can even send your Guardian Angel to Mass in your place. [2] Invoke the Angels' aid and assistance. Learn what each choir excels at, so you can invoke specific aid. [3] Pray for an increase in Faith. The Angels are pure spirit (will and intellect) and so the majority of what they do is not perceived by our senses. Let us further reflect on [...]

Holy Angels in Gods Plan2023-09-21T09:24:13-04:00
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