
About DVRodriguez

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So far DVRodriguez has created 122 blog entries.



St. Irenaeus of Lyon is the greatest Church Father of the Second Century. He was a great philosopher, theologian, bishop and martyr. A study of his voluminous writings proves beyond any doubt that that nascent Christian Church had full Catholic orthodoxy. St. Irenaeus is one of the most important Church Fathers. He is the greatest Catholic apologist of second century Christianity. He also bridges the Catholic traditions of East and West. For these reasons, he is one of the most important figures to study and learn about when one desires to become more familiar with 'early Christianity.' Furthermore, he is remarkable [...]

ST. IRENAEUS – July 32020-11-09T14:57:22-05:00

ST. PAUL – Jun 30


St. Paul, Apostle and Missionary (+ 67 AD) Many of us are familiar with the basic outline of St. Paul's life. We know that as Saul he was a zealous Jew who mercilessly persecuted and killed the early Christians. We know of his great conversion and how God called Paul to be the greatest of missionaries. We know he founded many churches throughout Greece and Asia Minor. He was a skilled orator and teacher who converted thousands and wrought numerous miracles. He strengthened the local churches by writing them letters, thirteen of which are in the New Testament. Yet the details [...]

ST. PAUL – Jun 302020-11-09T14:57:57-05:00



St. Paulinus, Bishop of Nola in Campania, Italy (354-431 AD) SITTING AT THE TOP OF THE WORLDLY WORLD At birth, our saint was named Pontius Meropius Anicius Paulinus. He was born to a wealthy Roman family in the bustling harbor city of Bordeaux in Gaul. As praetorian prefect of Gaul, his father gave him an upbringing and education that was the envy of all. Paulinus studied rhetoric and poetry under Ausonius, the most learned and famous poet of this age. He became a lawyer and by the ripe age of twenty-five had advanced to Prefect of Rome! He married a noble [...]

ST. PAULINUS – Jun 222020-11-09T14:58:31-05:00



St. Juliana Falconieri, Virgin and Founder of the Order of the Mantellatæ, received Viaticum miraculously at the moment of her death (1270-1340 AD) A DEVOUT CHRISTIAN FAMILY The Falconieri were a noble, illustirous and devout family in Florence, Italy. However Charissimus and his pious wife, Regurdata, had been unable to have children. They were quite advanced in years and had given up hope of ever having children> Yet in 1270, they were wonderfully blessed with the birth of a daughter, Juliana. From then on, they devoted themselves exclusively to the exercise of religion. Out of their own coffers they built a [...]

ST. JULIANA FALCONIERI – Jun 192020-11-09T14:59:29-05:00

ST. VITUS – Jun 15


St. Vitus, Fourteen Holy Helper and Martyred Youth (+ 303 AD) THE PAGAN IS RAISED A CHRISTIAN St. Vitus belonged to a noble pagan family of Sicily, and was born around the year 291, at Mazurra. During his early childhood, his father, Hylas, placed him under the charge of a Christian couple named Modestus and Crescentia. They raised him in the Christian faith and had him baptized. Vitus grew in years and in virtue, until, at the age of twelve, his father called him back to the home. Being an important man in town with a reputation to maintain, he was [...]

ST. VITUS – Jun 152020-11-09T14:59:58-05:00



St. Barnabas, Apostle (1st Century) St. Barnabas is one of the Church’s earliest converts, missionaries, and apostles. He was a great bishop and martyr for the Faith. With the exception of St. Paul and certain members of The Twelve, St. Barnabas appears to have been the most esteemed man of the first Christian generation. CONVERSION TO CHRISTIANITY St. Barnabas, also known as Joseph, was a Jew from the island of Cyprus and amongst the earliest Christian disciples. St. Paul actually refers to him as an 'apostle' in Acts 14:14. This makes sense since that word in Greek means "one who is [...]

ST. BARNABAS – Jun 112020-11-09T15:00:30-05:00



Saints Primus and Felician - Brothers who suffered martyrdom about the year 297 AD ROMAN SOLDIERS AND MISSIONARIES TO GERMANY Primus and Felician were wealthy Roman brothers. Having already reached the age of maturity, the Lord made them to hear His voice inviting them to forsake their vain idols. Earlier in their youth they had served as legionaries defending the Roman frontier walls from Germanic barbarians. Now as Christians they returned to Bavaria and crossed the Danube in order to serve as missionaries. In a forrest, Primus found a miraculous spring. They preached the Gospel and cured many with these waters. [...]

STS. PRIMUS & FELICIAN – Jun 92020-11-09T15:01:11-05:00



St. Boniface - Abbot, Bishop, Martyr and Apostle to the Germans (+ 755 AD) MONASTIC FORMATION St. Boniface was born at Kirton in Devonshire (the southeastern tip of England) around 680 AD. His baptismal name was Winfrid. When he was but five years old, his father hosted several pious monks who were preaching in the area. Their conversation over heavenly things left a deep impression on his young heart - words which could never be erased. Henceforth he constantly spoke of becoming a monk and spreading Christ's words to all. Yet his father used all his authority to divert him from [...]

ST. BONIFACE – Jun 52020-11-09T15:01:41-05:00



St. Erasumus, Fourteen Holy Helper and Bishop of Antioch (+ 308 AD) St. Erasmus is an incredibly relevant saint for our time. He lived and suffered during a time which most Catholics thought were the End Times. Indeed they signaled the end of an age, and in some ways were a small prefigurement of the Final End Time. He suffered martyrdom during the most severe and intense persecution ever launched by the strongest empire the world has yet known, just before a glorious peace was established for the Church. We too are in times of growing persecution and look forward to [...]

ST. ERASMUS – Jun 22020-11-09T15:02:04-05:00

ST. MARIANA – May 26


Saint Mariana de Jesús Paredes y Flores, the Lily of Quito (+1648) St. Mariana is the first native Ecuadorian canonized saint. She is not to be confused with Mother Mariana de Jesús Torres, a Conceptionist nun, who is well known for the apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success to her. However, she is yet to be canonized (though I believe she surely will one day). These two tocayas lived in the same city at the same time, knew each other, and have a great respect and love for one another. A common way to differentiate them is to speak of [...]

ST. MARIANA – May 262020-11-09T15:02:33-05:00
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