
About DVRodriguez

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So far DVRodriguez has created 126 blog entries.

New Podcast: Recover and Restore Tradition


Find Us On Your Favorite Podcatcher 2025: With the start of the New Year, the St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation has launched a new podcast service. The title of the podcast is "Recover and Restore Tradition." It is produced by the "St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation" and can be found under the general categories of religion and spirituality. This podcast is hosted on Spotify, Apple Podcasts (iTunes), iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, and Castbox. The RSS Feed is: Our old podcast was only available on itunes, so it was a challenge to access without an iphone. This old podcast will be discontinued. The [...]

New Podcast: Recover and Restore Tradition2025-02-02T13:55:06-05:00

Bishop Strickland and Tradition


Statement by Bishop Strickland 20 December 2024. At the start of this Advent, the Traditional Latin Mass was suppressed in Tyler, Texas. Pope Francis has now appointed Most Rev. Gregory Kelly, Auxiliary Bishop of Dallas, as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of Tyler. However, it is very unlikely that the Latin Masses will be returned. It seems, however, the if Bishop Joseph Strickland were returned to his rightful office as Bishop of Tyler, then the Latin Mass would not only be restored, but it would grow. Bishop Strickland recently took a forceful and public stand on the necessity of holding [...]

Bishop Strickland and Tradition2025-02-02T11:13:30-05:00

Recap: One Day Conference


Recap: Fatima and the Holy Face Conference This event took place on Saturday, December 14, 2024, in Burlington, Kentucky. A heartfelt thanks to all who supported this very successful event. Nearly one-hundred people were in attendance. Many left inspired to spread devotion to Our Lord's Holy Face and Our Lady's Fatima Message. Both of these devotions are essential spiritual elements for crushing the forces of evil dominating the world and for ushering in a glorious (and miraculous!) Catholic restoration in the future. Many Catholic resources were distributed, including sacramentals, prayer cards, veils, books and audio talks. Father Carney autographed copies of [...]

Recap: One Day Conference2025-01-05T19:48:26-05:00

Attack Upon the Mass in Tyler, Texas


News from Tyler, Texas 9 November 2024: Vatican news correspondent Diane Montagna reports that the Traditional Latin Mass is being cancelled from five parishes in the Diocese of Tyler. This suppression of the Mass of All Time take effects upon the First Sunday of Advent. [See her report.] A year ago Bishop Strickland was uncanonically, unceremoniously, and unjustly removed from the episcopal chair of that diocese.  One of the reasons he was 'cancelled' was because he refused to implement Traditionis Custodes and cancel the TLM. He said he could – in good conscience – harm his faithful flock by depriving them [...]

Attack Upon the Mass in Tyler, Texas2024-11-19T09:21:05-05:00

Spiritual Communion


My Jesus, I firmly believe that Thou art present — Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity — in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. Lord, increase my faith. [pause] I love Thee above all things and desire Thee in my soul. Yet my love is weak and inconstant, strengthen my love evermore. [pause] Since I cannot now receive Thee under the sacramental veil, I beseech Thee, with a heart full of love and longing, to come spiritually into my soul. [pause] As though Thou wert already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; [...]

Spiritual Communion2024-03-22T15:52:33-04:00

Glory Be to The Holy Trinity


From the sermon 'Fruits of Fasting' given on 5 March 2023 Glory be to the Father, who by His almighty power created me and made me to His own image and likeness. Glory be to the Son, who by His wisdom hath delivered me from hell and opened for me the Gates of Heaven. Glory be to the Holy Ghost, who in His mercy hath sanctified me by baptism and who incessantly worketh my sanctification by the fresh graces I daily receive from His bounty. Glory be to the Three Adorable Persons of the Blessed Trinity, who was as infinitely great [...]

Glory Be to The Holy Trinity2023-04-07T07:50:13-04:00

Prayer to the Most Holy Name of Jesus


From the sermon 'Holy Name of Jesus' given on 3 January 2018 Composed by St. Bernardine of Siena (1380-1444) Jesus, Name full of glory, grace, love and strength! You are the refuge of those who repent, our banner of warfare in this life, the medicine of souls, the comfort of those who morn, the delight of those who believe, the light of those who preach the true faith, the wages of those who toil, the healing of the sick. To you our devotion aspires; by you our prayers are received; we delight in contemplating you. O Name of Jesus, you are [...]

Prayer to the Most Holy Name of Jesus2023-01-04T20:33:19-05:00

The Universal Prayer for All Things Necessary


From the sermon "A Potent Collect Prayer' given on 4 September 2022 Composed by Pope Clement XI (1700-1721) O MY God, I believe in Thee; do Thou strengthen my faith.All my hopes are in Thee; do Thou secure them.I love Thee with my whole heart; teach me to love Thee daily more and more.I am sorry that I have offended Thee; do Thou increase my sorrow. I adore Thee as my first beginning; I aspire after Thee as my last end.I give Thee thanks as my constant benefactor; I call upon Thee as my sovereign protector. Deign, O my God! to [...]

The Universal Prayer for All Things Necessary2022-11-30T12:05:40-05:00

The Chaplet of the Holy Wounds


From the sermon given on 1 May 2022 May be said on the Rosary beads.  On the Cross and on the first three beads the following prayers are said: O Jesus, Divine Redeemer, be merciful unto us and to the whole world.  Amen. O strong God, O holy God, O immortal God, have pity on us and upon the whole world.  Amen. Pardon and mercy, O my Jesus!  During present dangers, pour out upon us Thy most Precious Blood.  Amen. Eternal Father, be merciful to us through the Blood of Jesus Christ, Thy only Son; be merciful to us, we beseech [...]

The Chaplet of the Holy Wounds2022-07-22T14:49:06-04:00

Prayer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament


From the sermon given on 18 April 2021 Jesus, my Lord and my God, I adore Thee present in the Sacrament of Thy love. Thou art the same almighty God, Who has existed from eternity, by Whom all things were made, and without Whom was made nothing that was made. The very same God and wonderful Being Who is heaven’s beatitude. The same Who, from the summit of Mount Sinai, commanded the Israelites not to approach near Him, lest the terrors of His greatness should destroy them. Dearest Jesus, I believe most firmly that Thou, the second Person of the Most [...]

Prayer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament2021-05-01T22:17:44-04:00
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