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Ours is a culture of death because so many seek to solve 'problems' by resorting to violence and death. Revolutionaries seek to inflame anger; thereby increasing violence and killing. This makes us liable to much judgment (the wrath of God) and deserving of chastisement. Expect more of the same as long as the causes of anger in man's heart remain far from being resolved. In humility, we should admit that we too are infected, to some degree, by revolutionary anger. And all these problems are not unrelated to the Holy Mass, to its power and purpose. For if we do not bring our anger to Christ to be resolved, we will take it out on each other. If we do not shed the Blood of Christ (mystically re-presented in the Mass), then we will shed each other's blood. Those who wish to cause more evil therefore always seek to take away the priests and the Holy Mass. Yes, we do have the right to defend ourselves against unjust aggressors, but we also have what it takes to end this violence and death through the Holy Mass.