Christ is present and lives in the Most Holy Eucharist. Under the impulse of His divine Love, He ceaselessly renews His Sacrifice. This Sacrament is the very soul of the Church. From this source the Church draws and has all her strength. From the rising to the setting of the sun, there should be no cessation of the Hymn of Praise and Thanksgiving [the Mass] which man owes to God. Indeed, man's chief duty and supreme dignity is to participate in the Eucharistic sacrifice. This is all Catholic teaching from the popes. Listen to it with faith, begging our Lord to increase your faith. For if you believe it, you will value the Mass and Eucharist above everything else, even more than your own life. Likewise you will recognize that what is taking place in the Church today with regards to the cessation of Mass and Sacraments is not Catholic. This is not just an attack upon Holy Mother Church, but even more so, it is an attack upon the Supreme Majesty and Authority of God Himself!
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