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St. Augustine teaches that "Our enemies are ever on the alert to work our ruin and we are ever forgetful of our salvation." Religious are especially consecrated for this battle against the world, the flesh and the devil; yet we too must wage it continually. St. Michael aids us, for one of his principal offices is to wage incessant war against the arch fiend, satan. The devil is the father of lies and a seducer. In particular, he wishes to seduce religious and the hierarchy of the Church. He traps  men by cloaking his evil with good and leading them to think he is not real (or at least insignificant). Yet Christ mentions him by name more than twenty times in the Gospel. The saints provide numerous examples of having to fight him and of how to defeat him. Our Lady of Fatima also emphasizes his existence and this battle by the Vision of Hell. Sr. Lucia warned that the devil has now engaged in a decisive battle against the Virgin Mary and that the final battle will be about marriage and family.