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We are currently enduring a grave crisis in authority. Our Lady forewarned this in the Vision of the Third Secret of Fatima. As if in a mirror, Sr. Lucia saw a ‘bishop in white.' He is not acting as the pope ought and Sr. Lucia does not refer to him as the pope. Then she does see the pope: he is martyred, followed by all the ranks of the Church in proper order. Understandably in this crisis, a great temptation is for the laity to lead themselves. Instead it is highly advisable that the laity find a good trustworthy priest (a difficult task in these times). Once one finds a good priest, one ought to respect and revere him (e.g. a priest who holds traditional Church doctrine, has a strong Marian devotion, and is striving for holiness). He will not be ideal. If one expects the ideal, one will be burned! Yet for laity, following and obeying the priest is a penance of duty of state. The demons strive to scatter distrust of these good priests among their flock. We must defend these few good priests and resist the temptation to follow our private judgment or of spreading ill reports about them. Eight possible responses to unfavorable reports are provided as examples of how we can help defend good priests and bring about unity amongst faithful Catholics.