Our Lady’s Heart is perfectly pure for it is only for God. There is a profound connection between purity of heart (think purity of worship) and purity of mind (think purity of doctrine). The true worship of God should focus one on God alone, and we have largely lost this today. Likewise, we no longer teach the reality that ‘whosever wishes to be saved must believe and preserve the truths of the Catholic Faith whole and untarnished’ (from the Athanasisan Creed, taught infallibly). Central to the message of Fatima is true Catholic doctrine and authentic Catholic worship. Remember to pray the Rosary well, for it too has a strong connection with right worship and doctrine. From a pure mind and a pure heart comes a pure body. Each day pray three Hail Mary’s and add “By the grace of thy immaculate conception, O Mary, make my body pure and my soul holy. Amen.”
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