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The Church dedicates the month of July to the Precious Blood so that we will grown in our devotion and love for It, and pray for all the many graces that It brings. It is the special office of the Blood of our Savior "to plead" - to plead to the Father for grace, mercy, and the forgiveness of sinners. Salvation is only through the Precious Blood, for there is no washing of sin except in our Redeemer's Precious Blood. Unlimited it its power! This Blood merits all good things for every single soul, including the magnificent graces of high sanctity. Know and believe, in faith, that the same Blood which flowed from the side of Christ is in the Chalice after the priest says the words of consecration - and it is shed for us, NOW; for the remission of OUR sins. This is a profound Mystery! You are encouraged to do the following: [1] Make it a practice to adore the Precious Blood at Mass. [2] At the communion rail, make an Act of Faith that as you receive the Sacred Host, you are indeed receiving His Precious Blood. [3] At Mass, offer the Precious Blood to the Eternal Father for your needs and those of the Church.