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In God’s way of working, it is clear, that in as much as one has 'taken droughts from the foaming and spicy chalice of this world', someone has to 'drink of the chalice of suffering' before God will grant His mercy, healing and peace. The Justice of God must be satisfied before His Mercy and Peace is bestowed. We must “pay-in” to have this Mercy bestowed. Protestants often take a ledger approach to salvation: one day they are in the column of debts, the next they are transferred into the gains. No expiation and payment needed by anyone save Christ. But St. Paul tells the Colossians: “Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for His body, which is the Church” (1:24). Clearly God’s Mercy is no quick easy thing. Consider three examples of this from recent times.