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The Angels were made to give glory to God and help man attain salvation. Increase in your love and devotion for the Holy Angels by these three basic means: [1] Praise God in union with the Angels. You can even send your Guardian Angel to Mass in your place. [2] Invoke the Angels' aid and assistance. Learn what each choir excels at, so you can invoke specific aid. [3] Pray for an increase in Faith. The Angels are pure spirit (will and intellect) and so the majority of what they do is not perceived by our senses. Let us further reflect on four of St. Michael's many offices, for they will help us realize how truly important these matters are. [1] He presides over the Adoration of God and offers our prayers to God. [2] He is the champion of the Church and defender of the One True Religion. [3] He wages incessant war against satan and rescues souls from the devils' clutches. [4] He brings men's souls to judgment.