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God's best gifts come from above. They are perfect and unchanging. They make us more like Him. We are to conform our lives to them. Motherhood is one such gift. It is sacred and unchanging. However, our fallen world is doing much to try to change, devalue, even destroy motherhood. It is so great a gift that God provides us with two spiritual mothers: Our Lady and the Church. It is through them that God chooses to transmit His life (grace) to us. A mother [1] gives life and she [2] nourishes life. She must also strive to [3] bring the life of grace to her children, by imitating Mary and the Church. The Mass and the Holy Eucharist are two other great gifts of God. Motherhood is intimately bound with them. Sadly, what is happening right now is a direct attack on the Church and her motherhood. Mothers are called to admonish, implore and exhort their children to believe and revere the Sacred Mysteries of Christ, with the constancy of unwavering faith, and with interior devotion and worshipful piety, so that her children will receive Holy Communion frequently. How else will our souls be kept alive and our minds remain in the sounds of faith?