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The liturgical revolution has turned God’s sanctuary into a place that mirrors the grave errors of our day. Ancient tradition established seven steps leading to the priesthood (minor and major orders). Yet in 1972, Paul VI suppressed the minor orders and subdiaconate or turned them into “lay ministries.” Women then began to assume “lay ministerial roles” - even within the sanctuary. Francis is now accelerating this liturgical collapse with his revolutionary change that women may be permanently enrolled in the office of lector and acolyte. The next obvious step is to ordain women to the diaconate. If women can receive the Sacrament of Orders, there there will be nothing to prevent them from being ordained priests. Gender confusion, only possible among a people who have accepted a contraceptive and sodomitical mentality, is now rampant in the sanctuary. (It has been for years!) These grave abuses threaten the very hierarchical institution of the Church as divinely instituted by Christ Himself, and should induce ALL to flee the modern ruptures, finding liturgical and doctrinal sanity in tradition.