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Three signs given to us by God which urge us to fix our minds and hearts on the world to come are [1] This month of November, [2] Today's Holy Gospel on the Coming of Christ at the Last Judgment, and [3] The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. So many of the changes made to the Mass have contributed, directly and indirectly, to the Catholic Faithful no longer fixing their attention on the life hereafter, but rather on things of this world which are passing away. At Holy Mass, Heaven comes down to earth and we are raised up to Heaven. The most sublime mysteries are hidden at Mass, yet we poor miserable creatures are blind to them, and assist at Mass with so little love, relish and respect. (It is on account of such blindness that changes in the Mass were allowed.)  Make more of an effort to receive a very special grace at Mass to desire Heaven and fix your mind and heart ever more on the world to come.