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We live in a time of great immodesty; yet it has not always been this way. Society reveals itself by the fashions it promotes. Modesty is connected to self-control and acts as a guardian for purity. There are objective standards for modesty provided by the Church, and to set our secular time of utter immodesty as any kind of standard is insanity. Women in the past lived far harder lives, raised larger families, on less income, without modern conveniences, and still managed to engage in all their activities in modest attire appropriate to their gender. Women have a duty to dress modestly. Bear in mind, modest attire reveals as much as it conceals, for it points to the face, and hence the person, whereas immodesty focuses on the body, thus objectifying a person. Men have the duty to never seek out anything immodest (e.g. impure images) and to cast no immodest glance upon any women (no matter how difficult that may be). Parents have a grave responsibility to ensure their children dress modestly (even at sporting and swimming activities). Promoting immodesty has actually been part of a wicked systematic plan. Confusion in clothing actually leads to confusion regarding gender. If we wish to restore Christian culture, then as good Catholics we must cultivate an appreciation for feminine modesty.