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We are meant to 'redeem the time' and 'work out our salvation.' St. Alphonsus made a vow never to waste time. Yet wasting time with worldly endeavors and vain entertainment may be the great weakness [sin] of our age. Social Media, epitomized by Facebook, is one of the most popular ways to 'kill the time.' Does it not open doors that lead to much trouble, to the world, the flesh, and the devil? Does it not steal time that ought to be spent on one's duties and lead to the loss of grace and virtue? It easily becomes an openbook that can be used against us, expose us to many trials, and bully us into conforming with human respect. Even secular studies have shown people are more content and at peace after they abandon Facebook. Why not try it yourself? Give up social media for six weeks or six months and see if you life doesn't improve.