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St. John teaches that true faith in Jesus Christ conquers the world. The Easter Gospels are replete with examples of belief that Jesus is God. Moreover, true faith in Jesus must necessarily be a Eucharistic faith. Our human nature wants to "see" and understand, but this Mystery is beyond human limits. Many profess to be Christians but do not believe; even many Catholics. When urged to go see a Eucharistic Miracle, St. Louis IX remained before the Blessed Sacrament explaining, "Let those who do not beleive by faith go and see. I believe more firmly than if I saw Christ with my eyes!" Would that we all had such faith! Believe more in the Eucharist than in what 'experts' claim, the government decrees, the media reports, or even what your own eyes see. Hear great professions of Eucharistic faith, and ask, "Do I really beleive?" The greater our faith, contrition, adoration, reverence and love, the greater grace we will derive from the Eucharist!