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Some elitist secular humanists are dreaming of a futuristic 'bionic man' who does not suffer, is filled with knowledge and has immortality. Yet this "transhuman" would not be divine; he'd be more like a 'walking smart phone.' The false promise of such an 'evolved being' reminds us of satan seducing Eve, 'You will be like gods.' No, such an artificial 'evolution' would make us more akin to preternatural demons. On the other hand, the baptized Catholic IS filled with the Holy Ghost and participates in the Divine Nature itself. Through grace, we don’t become simply spirits or angels, but we become divinized. At every Baptism, the Holy Ghost comes down upon the child through the saving waters of supernatural regeneration. The child is now like unto God. The Father looks down and sees Christ in that child and says, 'This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.'