St. Camillus (1550-1614) founded the Camillians, a religious order dedicated to the care of the sick whose habit prominently displays a red cross. Yet his early life was dissolute, filled with gambling, violence and laziness. Twice he tried to save his soul, but failed. Yet he did not give up! Following St. John Cassian's explanation of St. Paul (1 Thes 4), he eventually conquered his predominant fault: acedia. We can all conquer this besetting vice of sloth by adhering to St. Paul's teaching. [1] Make the effort to be quiet, eliminating the 'noise' of the world. [2] Remain in the sphere of activity given to you by God through your vocation. [3] Pursue your own affairs, ignoring the temptation of others. [4] Work with you own hands; avoid idleness and the pursuit of entertainment. [5] Give an honorable and good example to others. [6] Desire only the Lord and desire nothing from anyone. Thus, from 'slothful slime' St. Camillus became a self-sacrificing saint. May we always respond to God graces to do what we are supposed to be doing when we are supposed to be doing it.
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