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Archbishop Viganó has written a letter exposing the corrupt papacy of Francis, which is filled with extremely grave immoral behavior by bishops and priests. A network of sodomite bishops and priests act with deceit and are strangling the entire Church. We must ask, ‘How have we arrived at this point?’ A deeper problem is that we have largely lost grace and truth. These two serve as a foundation for morality. If there is corruption in morality, then its root is found in the corruption of doctrine (truthand liturgy (grace). This link is what so very few are explaining! A time of conversion and penance must be proclaimed in which the clergy (and laity) recover purity in morals, in doctrine and in worship! Yes, we must love the Church, and that means we must oppose all in the hierarchy that is not of holy Mother Church. So many in the hierarchy have forgotten what the mission of the Church is; and when this happens, we must put up opposition. Each one of us must do all he can to fight for true doctrine (truthand true worship (grace) with all the means available to him.