A heart-felt and quite personal sermon by Fr. Rodríguez on the 21st anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Perhaps you can share this sermon with priests you know, as it may be particularly inspirational for them.
Our Lady was entirely consecrated to God at every single moment of her existence. All her thoughts, affections, words, and actions were directed perfectly to the fulfillment of His holy will. In order for my priesthood (and your life) to be fruitful and endure, I need Mary’s intercession. Why such an insistence about Mary? Because of God’s grace - of which she is full. Grace is that which is most necessary to the priesthood. The priesthood’s very reason for being is to bring God’s grace from Heaven to earth. And Mary is the mediatrix of all graces. A hallmark of our life as Catholics should be ”de Maria numquam satis” (of Mary there is never enough). She is the pure and perfect channel of all graces, and the priest must be especially aware of this. My hope is that each one of you grow in your devotion and love to the Immaculate Conception. Following St. Pius X’s exhortation, let us pray to Our Lady that we be pure in body and mind, in faith and love.
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