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The greatest treasure, the most important thing in life, is to love Jesus. To love God above all things, to love the things of God, and to be able to sacrifice everything for Divine Love - no grace can be greater. God’s Love is an immense Mystery. Just consider the amazing condescension of God in coming down from Heaven. Meditate upon this as you gaze on the manger scene, recite the angelus, or hear the Last Gospel. If He has spent Himself entirely for me, I should spend myself entirely for Him. It is easy for man to get distracted and lose the fervor of this love, which is why one must continually pray for this grace. The first three most necessary means proper for the acquisition, preservation and increase of love forJesus are: [1] Detachment of oneself from worldly affections. [2] Meditation on Christ’s passion. [3] Bringing our own will into uniformity with God’s will in all things.