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Faith is the virtue by which we firmly believe all the truths God has revealed on the word of God revealing them. it is impossible to be saved without faith. This is a grace which only God can give and He wills to give it to all. Many refuse it. Many fail to nourish it by not studying their catechism or by neglecting the practice of religion. It can wither when one needlessly exposed to things opposed to the faith or via unnecessary interaction with people opposed to the faith or shameless living contrary to it. Nor should one actively doubt, that is willing to hold as undecided an article of the faith. Like children, we should believe with simplicity and nourish our faith with spirit of calmness and security. Faith is meant to pervade every single thing we do; e.g. how we approach misfortunes of life. Faith trusts in the power of God and accepts that He, not oneself, is in control. Sincere faith comes from charity and returns to charity. If we falter in faith, it is because we lack love of God. Consider Our Lady's faith (in contrast to that of all the other Apostles) and pray daily for a faith like hers.