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How do we keep Christ's words? Do we seek to use them simply to justify ourselves and serve our cause? If so, we glorify ourselves. Yet if speak with meekness, bless, and give good words - for our salvation and our neighbor's advantage - then we glorify God. When one is unable to speak thus, silence is best, lest one mimic the devil's tongue uttering curses, insults, deceit and envy. In such an event we are worse than devils, because we use that very same tongue to also taste the Flesh of the Savior. We know it is hard to remain silent when we want to defend ourselves, so keep the following principles in mind. "I seek not my own glory. and if I glorify myself my glory is nothing." We defend ourselves to gain the admiration of men, yet that praise is fleeting and of little value. If you have to defend yourself, do so without anger. The more meekly you endure, the more you prevail over those who do you evil (recall Christ's example). Only the humble soul can give glory to God, for the soul concerned with its own justification is too busy glorifying itself. If we are unjustly blamed, let us quietly meet calumny with truth. If calumny perseveres, let us persevere in humility. There is no surer shelter for our reputation or our soul than the hand of God.