Recap, Photos, and Talks from the Pilgrimages to Quito. Ecuador. [11 Feb 2025]

NEW PODCAST! Find us on your favorite podcatcher. [25 Jan 2025]


We Have to Persevere View description ▼ God calls us to conversion (a change of heart, intellect and will). This conversion is not easy. We absolutely need God’s grace. One also needs to have faith and to do penance (prayer, fasting, almsgiving). All this comes from grace; so one must ask for these graces and continue to ask. The great and mysterious work of the Holy Ghost is to sanctify men’s souls via divine grace. He shows us what is good and virtuous. He strengthens us to do the good and avoid evil. Don’t let up asking for His help during Lent! March 9, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Two Most Important Mysteries View description ▼ First class in a course taught by Father Rodríguez on the Foundations of the Christian Faith. Father discusses the two most foundational truths of the Catholic Faith. Every Catholic should know them and really believe them. (Father tests all his first communicants on these two points.) These two truths have innumerable consequences for how we live and how we practice the Faith. Knowing these principles helps us rebut those who ask "Well, where is that in the Bible?" or "The pope said such and such, so you have to accept it." June 13, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
The Two Ends of Marriage View description ▼ The primary end of marriage is to "increase and multiply" (Gn 1:28). God wants souls with which to share His goodness – Himself – for all eternity. Parents are 'stewards' of their children with the duty for help children reach the perfection God has planned for them (think of the parable of the talents). The secondary end is mutual help and the quelling of passion (Gn 2:18,23). Marriage demands a man and woman who are open to all the children God wishes to give them. They must be ready to die for their vocation, and not be motivated by self-interest or emotional/physical pleasure. Today marriage is under terrible attack, even within the Church. Marriage is not understood or taught correctly. God's wondrous gift is abused, even by well-meaning Catholics. For example, Natural Family Planning (NFP) is nearly always used as a contraceptive method and as such is gravely immoral. January 26, 2025 by Fr. Iakobus
Warfare is in Temptation View description ▼ The Spirit leads Jesus into the desert to be tempted. The devil always attacks us at our weakest point, where we lack support. He tempts our Lord to satisfy his natural (bodily) needs with illegitimate means. The context of Jesus' scriptural rebuttal is the manna from Exodus, and hence highly Eucharistic. The devil then tempts Jesus with pride and avarice. satan wants to be worshiped as if he were God. This is the root of temptation, by which our first parents fell, the desire to "be like God." Yet Jesus strongly rebukes satan him for violating God's honor. Man should only adore and serve God. This is the crux of the Christian life. March 9, 2025 by Fr. Linus Clovis

For sermons posted in 2024, see Most Current Sermons under the audio tab in home menu.


JOY in Marriage View description ▼ The ordering of charity according to J-O-Y (Jesus first, Others second,Yourself last) is the same as the Cross composed of love of God (vertical)and love of neighbor (horizontal). Our Lady shows her perfect adherence to this ordering in her life at the Marriage in Cana. Two practical explanations of this ordering in marriage are: [1] One ought not assist at weddings which are contrary to the laws of God and His Church. [2] The marital act must always abide by this order. The marital act must first be [1] for the procreation and formation of souls for Heaven(for love of God), then [2] for the mutual support of spouses (other) and lastly [3] for the quieting of one’s passions (Yourself). Marriages that follow this hierarchical ordering endure and bring true happiness.
Would You Be My Valentine View description ▼ February 14 is the feast of the great Catholic martyr and priest, St. Valentine. His persecutor, Claudius II, forbade Roman soldiers to marry. Since the saint officiated secret nuptial Masses, he was arrested, beaten, and beheaded. His relics remain in Rome. In addition to special graces, martyrdom requires training, which rests upon the self-denial (penance) of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Lent provides this time of exercise, preparing us to be witnesses for Christ (martyrs). Life is not worth living unless there is something worth dying for!


Fatima and The Latin Mass

Learn the Fatima Essentials (Audio Only)

Know Live and Share the Fatima Message
Learn, Live and Share the Message of Fatima View description ▼ Our world stands on a knife’s edge,
 Fatima is a heavenly Message of the greatest urgency 
which all must obey; it is not optional. It is the only solution for the crisis in our Church and the world. It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary. This conference provides an overview of the Fatima essentials,
 briefly covering the event and message,
 the controversial topics,
 and how we must respond today. Notes are available HERE.



The Hymnal Industry Complex by Lepanto Institute

Scripture and Tradition

Lies about World War II
by Fr. James Mawdsley

Fatima Today

Father, Terror, Death and St. Joseph
[Podcast] - Episode 9
David Rodríguez and Monique Krawecki
The Six Point Plan for Christian Order
[Podcast] - Episode 8
David Rodríguez, Monique Krawecki, and Murray Rundus

Reasons for the Traditional Latin Mass


How I Left the New Mass and Found Tradition
by Fr. Michael Rodríguez


TLM: Refuge in a Time of Crisis
by David Rodríguez

Monthly Litany

[March] The Litany to St. Joseph  - Pray this litany with Fr. Rodriguez. For an audio-only version of this litany, click HERE. Text can be downloaded HERE.

Our Lady of Sorrows and the Passion - Prayer

The prayer from the sermon 'Crux Fidelis' given on February 21, 2021

Holy Mary, Mother of sorrows, whose heart was pierced with a fresh sword of grief at every Station on the Way of the Cross, obtain for us, we beseech thee, O most loving Mother, a perpetual remembrance of our Blessed Savior’s cross and death, and a true and tender devotion to all the mysteries of His most holy Passion.
Obtain for us the grace to hate sin, even as He hated it in the Agony of the Garden; to endure wrong and insult with all patience, as He endured them in the judgment-hall; to be meek and humble in all our trials, as He was before His judges; to love our enemies even as He loved His executioners, and prayed for them upon the cross; and to glorify God and do good to our neighbors, even as He did in every mystery of His sufferings.
O Queen of martyrs, who, by the dolors of thy Immaculate Heart on Calvary, didst merit to share the Passion of our Blessed Redeemer, obtain for us some portion of thy compassion, that for the love of Jesus Crucified, we may be crucified to the world in this life. And in the life to come, may, by His infinite merits and thy powerful intercession, reign with Him in glory everlasting.  Amen.

“A single tear shed at the remembrance of the Passion of Jesus is worth more than a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, or a year of fasting on bread and water."

- St. Augustine

“I am the Mother of fair love. As a mother who sees her son exposed to the sword of the enemy makes every effort to save him, thus do I, and will I ever do, for all my children, sinful though they be, if they come to me for help.

- Our Lady to St. Bridget of Sweden

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